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Game Mechanics
Understand the key concepts of MFL. Learn about how negotiations take place and how to manage your club and players.
Club Management
What is Positional Familiarity?
Positional Familiarity gives managers complete freedom over their players’ positioning on the pitch… With a couple of exceptions. Find out what positional familiarity means and how it works here.
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Setting your Tactics
As a Club owner, you're also the Manager. Time to show your inner tactician by setting your tactics. Get the most out of your squad and crush the opposition!
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Adding a bio and social links to your Club's profile
Now that your club is established, you can add some more personality to it! Find out how to add extra touches here.
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Can I sign the players in my own agency into my Club?
Yes! When you sign MFL players for whom you are the agent into your own club, you can set the Revenue Share to 0%. That way, you get to keep your entire budget to sign players who are represented by other agents.
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Player Management
Are there conditioning factors? Will my players get tired?
Player conditioning is an important part of managing your MFL club. Learn all about energy, match fitness, morale and injury status in this article.
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Negotiating as an Agent
As an Agent, you’re responsible for finding a Club for your players. You can earn MFL Points, the in-game currency, by agreeing to a contract with the owner of the Club they will play in.
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Where can I view my players as an Agent?
In MFL, acquiring players via Packs or the Marketplace means taking on the role of Agent. Once you've got players in your agency, here's how to view and manage them.
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How do my players recover energy?
Right now, energy is not based on real time, but on matches played. This means that for your players to recover, you need to rotate them and let them rest for a match or two! Related: Are there conditioning factors? Will my players get tired?
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What's the MFL Development Center?
The MFL Development Center The Development Center allows you to invest in your players’ progress, keeping them on track to reach their potential. Let’s explore what this feature means for you and your players. What Is the MFL Development Center? The MFL Development Center is a place where player agents can send their free-agent players — those without an active club contract — to continue the
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How to request the cancellation of a Contract?
If, for whatever reason, either party (agent, club owner) would like to cancel an active contract, they can make such a request to the other party. Here's how.
What is Revenue Share Percentage?
The revenue share percentage is how much of their rewards Clubs are willing to part with to get a player on their team. The Club Owner and Agent must agree on a percentage of all rewards, in MFL Points, received by the player’s team from competitions to be shared with the player’s Agent.
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How to cancel/withdraw a Contract Offer I've made?
You've made a contract offer for a player with your club, but have since changed your mind and want to withdraw it? No problem! As long as the player's Agent hasn't accepted it, you can do that. Here's how.
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How to scout players and offer them a contract to join my Club?
As a MFL Club owner, you’re of course looking to fill up your squad ahead of the upcoming competitions! The better your team does during the season, the more MFL Points you will earn.
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How to review the Contract offers made for my players?
As an Agent, you're tasked with representing your players in contract negotiations. Find out how to accept or reject any contract offers clubs made for the MFL players in your agency.
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